About the two-day study tour in Denmark
Details of the two-day study tour in Denmark in July 2016 to examine how cold stores were being used to hold, manipulate and schedule crops.
Cold store efficiency: What we can learn from Denmark
A range of practical tips from production nurseries in Denmark to help you improve the efficiency of your cold store.
The practicalities of installing a heat pump system
Learn about the key factors involved in installing an effective heat pump system and see worked examples of costs and payback for a 100 kW, 500 kW and I MW heating system.
CO2 dosing: Maximum and minimum boiler capacity
Learn about two of the simpler set points available to manage CO2 enrichment using two contrasting greenhouse scenarios – one taking place on a sunny day and one on a dull day.
How to optimise screen and vent control with lights
Learn what practical changes to make to improve the integration of screen and vent controls with your lighting operation.
How to use air movement to create the optimal greenhouse environment
An in-depth look at how air movement affects the greenhouse climate and the crop, how you can generate, measure and manage it effectively, and how to calculate the economic return of using pipe heat and fans.
Introduction to air movement in greenhouses
Learn about the benefits of having an effective air movement system in your greenhouse and the key design and operational aspects to consider.
Assimilation lighting for horticulture
Find out why it’s important to correctly assess assimilation lighting and how to make effective use of it, including a look at some of the recent technological developments and advances in plant science.
How to achieve good humidity control with minimum energy use
A detailed, practical example of how to achieve good humidity control in the greenhouse while using the minimum amount of energy.
Why use radiation sum control for supplementary lighting in greenhouses?
Find out how to use radiation sum control to manage supplementary lighting in the greenhouse, reduce lighting operating hours and save energy.