
Cold store efficiency: What we can learn from Denmark


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First published 2016

A range of practical tips from production nurseries in Denmark to help you improve the efficiency of your cold store. 

How to get the best from your cold store

Cold store setup and management contribute significantly to the cost of operation. Cold stores are used within horticulture in a variety of situations and for different purposes, so a ‘one type fits all’ approach is rarely the most efficient. There are, however, several considerations to be made in ensuring that you get the best from your own or rented facilities. Some of these were explored during a two-day study tour in Denmark, by a group of hardy ornamental stock growers. 

Pay attention to the five key areas that impact efficiency

The five areas that can affect your cold store’s efficiency are: 

  1. Control and management 
  1. Air movement 
  1. Air leakage 
  1. Insulation 
  1. Type of equipment 

This order reflects how easy or costly it is to address each: replacing equipment is the most costly and difficult, while control and store management can be relatively simple.

About the two-day study tour in Denmark

Details of the two-day study tour in Denmark in July 2016 to examine how cold stores were being used to hold, manipulate and schedule crops.

Read more about the two-day study tour in Denmark…

Ensure cold store equipment efficiency

A look at the role of the type of refrigerant, the size of refrigerant charge, cooling methods, and the condition of equipment such as evaporators and condensers in the efficient running of the cold store.

Read more about cold store equipment efficiency…

Address cold store air leakage and insulation

How to find areas where air is leaking, including the use of thermal imaging, and the potential cost of unnecessary air leakage.

Read more about cold store air leakage…

Manage cold store air movement

How to ensure effective cold store conditions and achieve better air flow.

Read more about cold store air movement…

Practise sound cold store control and management

How to site and use sensors to monitor cold store conditions plus tips for efficient storage.

Read more about cold store control and management…