Tag: carbon calculation

  • Carbon Calculators in Horticulture (extension)

    Carbon Calculators in Horticulture (extension)

    Introduction Although carbon emissions calculations are, in principle, simple to do, requiring only quantitative activity data and an appropriate emissions factor, carbon reporting very quickly becomes complex. To simplify the process, there are a plethora of online calculators designed to deliver a quick and easy answer to the question “what are my carbon emissions?”. Unfortunately,…

  • What does Scope 3 carbon reporting mean for Horticultural business?

    What does Scope 3 carbon reporting mean for Horticultural business?

    Many retailers are applying pressure to their supply chain to complete some form of carbon reporting , with the goal to account for the supply chain emissions of the produce they sell. Unfortunately, this is often pursued without consistency in approach between retailers. Some retailers will recommend or even mandate the use of one of…