Active Dehumidification
Why Dehumidify? Before discussing the details of dehumidification, it is important to understand why it is important to control humidity within a greenhouse at all. When humidity is low, evaporation rates increase which can cause water stress on the crop and will raise humidity regardless. Photosynthesis is optimised at a relatively high humidity level, as…
Air Movement & Humidity
Introduction Continuing the theme of humidity control, this article goes into the detail on the value of air movement with respect to greenhouse humidity. For more information on dehumidification and plant empowerment, see our recent articles on Greenhouse Dehumidification and Plant Empowerment & Dehumidification. Thermodynamics As outlined in our previous articles, plant activity requires water…
Plant Empowerment & Dehumidification
In a previous article, we discussed the terms related to humidity, as well as the benefits of active dehumidifiers compared with raising pipe temperatures and opening vents. This article will instead focus on the principles of Growing by Plant Empowerment (GPE) and the benefits of optimising humidity control. Plant Empowerment “Optimisation of plant growth and…
Glasshouse heat recovery
Make the most of the heat in your glasshouse that may otherwise be considered “waste”. Read on to learn about the different areas in your glasshouse where you can recover heat to use more productively and ultimately improve your efficiencies. Refrigeration Many glasshouse sites include refrigeration, either as part of a chilled environment or in…
What can air movement do for you
Determining what makes an optimal climate for crop quality and production, however, can be challenging, and it’s certainly worth bearing in mind that what feels comfortable to a person may be less than ideal for a crop. Air movement should be seen as a tool to help maintain an active and homogeneous climate – this…
How to stop unnecessary venting in the greenhouse
Practical actions to minimise ventilation whilst maintaining the humidity conditions you want.
What is your minimum pipe temperature setting?
Learn how to ensure humidity influences and ventilation settings don’t lower the effectiveness of your minimum pipe temperature strategy.
How to optimise screen and vent control with lights
Learn what practical changes to make to improve the integration of screen and vent controls with your lighting operation.